Williston Northampton Fund 2024-25

When you make a gift to the 2024-25 Williston Northampton Fund, you invest in our students and faculty. Choose to support what matters to you: academics, arts, athletics, DEIB, financial aid, or where it’s needed most. Thank you!

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (392)

All (392)
A'Dora Phillips
Abigail Hazen
Abigail Mongeau
Adam Honig
Akintoye Moses
Alex Chen
supporting the school
Alex Feinstein
Alexandra Darrow and Seneca Griffin
Williston helped shape Seneca’s path in life in a positive and unexpected way. He grew up fast and learned to excel. We feel fortunate the Williston provided that opportunity.
Alexandra and Patrick Neilson Haverty
Alfred Albano
Alfred Wentworth
Alicea Elloras-Ally
Alison Bartlett-O'Donald
Mr. Hing and his dedication to inspiring students to pursue the arts and photography and see the world through different lenses!!
Alison Cornell
Alison De Renzi
Amanda Wojcicki
Amber Hamilton
Amy Brown
Amy Dowsett
Andrew Lewandowski
Andrew Turpin
In honor of Alex Stall Memorial Fund
Keep my cross country and track running buddy's memory alive 🇮🇱🥂🥊
Andrew Wernick
Ann Dowd
Ann Vaughn
Thank you for your dedication to our children.
Annie DeRose Westlund
Antigoni Lively
Antony Courtney
Ashley Schaffer
Barbara Krauthamer and Noah Elkin
Barbara Krohn Lieber
Barbara O'Connor
Barry Weisman
Please acknowledge that this gift is in honor of Parker Rose Brown, class of 2025, and her parents, Wynne and Mike Brown
Bennett Carlson
Beth Cooke
Bobi and Rich Steingart
Brandon Diaz
Brendan McCartney
Brian Webber
Byrd H.
Caitlin Cronin and Alexander Berry
Carol Head
Carol Melamed
In honor of Elise
This contribution is for the Elise Memorial Fund.
Carolyn Durcan
In memory of Michael I. Ginsberg '51 Memorial Scholarship
Carter Champion
Casey Connor
Catherine Dziok Cleland
Catherine Smith Teichert
Celeste Enriquez
Chandra Pershard
Charissa Williar
Charles Duggan
Charles Ferguson
Charles Sullivan
Charlie Bensinger
Charlie Fogg
Chensheng Pan
On behalf of Melody Class 2022 with gratitude.
Chip Palmer
Chris Dietrich
Chris Pentz
Christina Turpin Rocheteau
Christine Reading
Christopher Mayer
We love Williston!
Christopher Shields
Christopher Zamore
Christopher Zawacki
Claudia Barsalou
Colin DAmour
Colin Damour
Conrad Johnson
Corinne and Mike Briggs
Courtney Desmarais
Curt Mcleod
Curt O Cerveny
In honor of Ed and Marilyn Cerveny
My mother pushed me to get my act together by attending Williston while my father played extra gigs to pay for it.
Cyrus Driver
Williston made me who I am today - a critical thinker with purpose and integrity!
Dale Miquelle
Dale Neuburger
Daniel Ciejek
Darcie Kauffman Robertson
David A & Janet SHAW
David Cavazuti
David and Amy Miniter
Girls Hockey
Dawn Pasternak
Deahni Kipnis
Deborah Charren and Timothy Diehl
Debra Carroll Packard
Deirdre Kimball
Dennis McCarty
Diane Dudeck
In honor of Jonathan Dudeck
Diane Karlin
Don & Tracy Stewart Poulin
Donald Lightfoot
In honor of Glenn Swanson ‘64
Doug and Robin Irvine
Douglas Schwartz
Elinor Lipman
Elizabeth Silvestri Hegner
Ellen Frank
Ellen M Curley
Emily Cavazuti
Emily Follansbee
Emily Henry Jostrand
In memory of Wayne Jostrand
Erica Teece-Hodges
In honor of Alec Stall '00
Erich Cramer
Erin Cherewatti
Erin Keefe
Esther Kim
Evan Gould
Fred Shepardson
GREGG Petricca
Gabrielle Thomas
Geoffrey Moore
Geordie Dunnington
In memory of Rick Francais
Best coach ever!
George Chatson
Well done, Williston!
George E Ryan
In honor of Bob Hutzler '58
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. William Butler Yeats (1865–1939)
George E Ryan
In honor of Bob Hutzler '58
George Hacker
George Shaler
George Smithy
George Volanakis
George and Dorothy Dunnington
In honor of Bob StGeorge
Gerardo Gonzalez Meza
Glenn and Betsy Morgan
Glenna Clapp
Greg Dysart
Greg Knight
Gregory Yu
Grigori Kapoustin
Haiying Hanyang(Henry) Fei Zhang
Keep up the good work
Hanna Whirty
Hansen Yang
Haoshu Xu
Hazel Onguko
Thanks so much for everything! I have an endless list of appreciation for what the school does and continues to do. Sending love from NYC.
Heike Munro
Wishing everyone close friendships and much contentment!
Helen Stauder
Hilari Dunn
In honor of Wyatt Dunn
His PG year and Mr Farmer have been instrumental in helping him grow and mature through some difficult times.
Hollis Phillips
Ingrid Kiefer
Here is to a great school year!
J.Roger & Ilona Cherewatti
James Hood
In honor of Cal and Lucy Hoyt
Our grandchildren, Lucy and Cal Hoyt, have enjoyed a varied, supportive and stimulating experience at Williston for which we are grateful.
James McGhee
James Nagle
Jan & Donna GWOZDZIK
Jane Newman
In honor of Michael I. Ginsberg '51
In memory of Michael I. Ginsberg '51
Janet Egelhofer
Janine Whipple
Jason Bornstein
Jawook Koo
For the future developments of Williston.
Jeff Saslow
Jeffrey Amanti
Jeffrey Downey
Jeffrey Halpern
Jeffrey Pilgrim
In honor of Jack Gow
Jeffrey and Monica Hecht
Jen Tabb
Jenn & Greg Oswitt
In honor of Chris Oswitt ’26
Jennifer Greenspan Hurwitz
Jennifer McDonald
Jennifer Rivers
Jennifer, Lance and Grey Vachon
We met at Williston in 1986 and were married in 2001. Our son graduated in 2023 and our Williston tradition will continue with the next generation of Vachons. Williston is a special place for our family!
Jessica Asrican Gentilli
Jewell Johns
In honor of Jackson Miller Senior
Thank you for your interest in helping Jackson Prepare for his future.
Jillian Dahrooge
Jim Aldrich
The school gave me a good education.
Jim DeAngelis
Joan Tierney Powers
Joanne and James Jackson
Williston Northampton was a wonderful school to educate my two happy and successful children now adults! Thank you!
Jody Hoyt
Football Headsets
Joel D Katz
Johanna Wakelin
John Bradbury
John Carr
John Hayden
John Hodges II
John and Carolyn Dietel
Jon Callahan
Joseph Boynton
In honor of Coach Francis
Joseph Orlando
Josh Wallace
Joshua Pemrick
Judy fisher
In honor of Shirley Craven Collen
Justine Katzenbach
Kara Rainey
Karen Fawcett
Karla Rubini Chesser
Karla Schaffer
Katelyn Webber Schubmehl
In honor of Alec J. Stall
Katherine Burrill
Katherine Ciejek Shea
Katherine Topulos
Kathryn Egelhofer Medow
Kathy Krohn
In memory of Alicia dupont(1974) Debby Koffman (1974) and cary hillas(1974)
Katrina Borowiec
Kelsey Lindsey
Kenneth Richard and Maria Barbuzza
Kevin Collins
Kevin Kelly
Kevin McCandlish
Kevin McDaniel
Kimberly Kaye
Kristen Ziter
golf and athletics program
Laura Ferriter
In honor of Harper Violet Brewer
This donation is for the Elise Memorial Fund
Laura Pendley
Lawrence Yee
Class of 1965 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lee Holmes
I love what my daughter is becoming at Williston, and to the best of my ability, I want to help the school continue with its incredible endeavors.
Lei Xing
Giving back to the community that supports our students is an easy decision!
Lei Xu
Lesley Doll
Lisa McCarthy
Go wildcats!
Lisa Shields
Lisa Yamilkoski
Lise and Eric Sanders
Liz Whiteley
Amazing community
Liz Zieminski
Llewellyn Davis
In memory of Richard Francis
Louis Pellissier
Lydia Cameron
Maggie D'Amour
Marc Warner
Margaret Landon
Marie Noonan
Marilyn Hart
Marion Bartus
Mary Lou and Dusty Hoyt
In memory of Elise Ollmann Kahle
Mary Penney
Reconnection with my children and upcoming reunion!
Matthew Rodriguez
In honour of all our loved ones that are no longer with us.
Matthew Rodriguez
Max Livingston
Maya Mallett
Meaghan Sullivan
Meg Taylor
Thank you to all the dedicated and hard working faculty, advisors, counselors, learning specialists and coaches!
Meghan Wright
Melissa Lucas
Merry Ross
Michael Baxter
Michael Bello
Michael Fay
Michael Jack Williamson
Michael Stein
Michael Toole
The school community has been great for my daughters.
Migdalia Gonzalez
Mina Sugiyama
In honor of Elise
Miranda Gohh
Miriam Halpern Sosnick
Molly Hoyt
Neil McCullough
Neill Schoonmaker
Nick Holmes
In honor of Rick Francis
Nicole Clausing
Nobel Tanihaha
Noura Younes
Owen Mael
Williston made a greater difference for me than College!
Panich & Auranooch Ampornpuet
" Let's Grow Together "
Paul Smyth
Paula Monopoli
Peter Birnbaum
Supportive and challenging environment to try new things and develop foundation for pursuing them successfully
Peter Connor
Peter Johnson
Peter Lynde
Petr Gorlich
Popia '10
The Phantom!
Ramsay Westgate
A launching pad into my life as a nearly 30 year professional educator, Williston played and plays an outsized role in my political, economic, cultural, and social existence—and with childhood friend’s son, Richard Kimball, Jr. (2027), now a Wildcat, this seemed the time to recommit to Mr. Grubbs’ core tenet of “stewardship.”
Rebecca Bakunin
In honor of Frederic Bakunin
Please allocate this donation to the Frederic Bakunin Memorial Fund. Thank you and Happy New Year!
Reece Liang
Reiko Akimoto
Richard Ailes
Richard Arms
Richard Noland
Richard Wagman and Mindy Pincus
Rita Dietrich
In honor of Owen Dietrich - Class of 2023 and Sam Dietrich - Class of 2027
Our son - Chris Dietrich - is the Dean of Enrollment. Both of our grandsons either had or are having fantastic experience(s) as Williston students. Thank you Williston for all you have done for the Dietrich family.
Robert Birney
Robert Christensen Jr.
High level of athletics at Williston (swimming) provided me a great deal of life-time successes!
Robert Gleason
Robert Peirent
Robert Shaw
Williston was a true life-changer for me - I would not be who I am, what I am or where I am due - in large part - to my experience at WNS. Love you, Willy Prep!
Robert Stone
Robert Tullis
Roberta and Steve Berrien
Rosie Wiggins Antill
Russell & Darlene Klaubert
Rustin McIntosh
Ryan King
Ryan Wilkie
Sachin Shah
Sam Greeley
In memory of Mathew Peck Class of 1969
Samantha Burns
Mr. Garvey and staff have taken excellent care of my daughter while she was insured.
Sara Northrup
Sarah Hambleton
Sarah Hoffman
Scott & Maria Luedeke
In honor of Anne Pickrell
Anne Pickrell made such a huge difference in our Son, Christopher’s Williston experience. Sending him all the way around the world from Singapore was heart wrenching and Anne made sure to keep in close touch with us and Chris every step of the way from his first day at Williston to his Graduation! We are forever grateful to her and the amazing staff & faculty at Williston for allowing Chris to find his voice, his leadership & confidence and learn how to shine!
Sean Andersen
Sebastian Rivera
Stephanie Platt
Stephen & Molly Hoyt
Stephen LaPlante
Stephen Leber
Steven & Eileen Krol
Steven Andrezyk
Steven Weiner
Stewart Walker
Stuart Blanchette
Susan Andrew
Suzanne Cote-Croce
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Philip W Cote
My Williston Northampton education and experience has been a gift that was given to my by my parents that has continued to be the gift of a lifetime and life long friendships. In memory of my dad, Philip William Cote who recently passed on September 11,2024. Thank you so very much.
Sydney Joyce
T. Michael and Katherine L. White
Takahito Tsushima
Tara Colby
Ted Bourque
The Carlstrom Family
Theodore Matthias
Theodore Nellen
Thomas Joyce
The wonderful experience our girls had there.
Thomas Louis
Thomas McDowell
Thomas Zavorski
Thomas and Ruth Beaton
Please allocate the donation to the football team.
Tiela Chalmers
In honor of Doc Gow
Timothy Hunt
Tommy Reed
Trish Ferris & John Kane
Tymmy McDowell
In honor of Elise
Vikram Dalmiya
Virginia Neyens
Walter F Schlech
Walter Graff
Warner Babcock
Wendy Hannah
William Murphy
William OKun
William Wagner
Xiaochuan Luo
Xiaoqing Wan
Xingcheng Li
Xuequn Zhou
Yemi Lawani
Yi Yang Harry
Yvonne Davies Tropp
In honor of Robby Veronesi
Annika song
Brittany weiss
Daniel gould
In honor of Zack Gould '64
Douglas watson
John Bailey
In honor of Adam Washburn
In memory of Adam Washburn
Adam's memory burns bright in those who knew and loved him. Thank you Buddy for the laughs and the political debates, miss you.
Kevin shaw
In honor of Richard G. Kimball
The quality of everything I see at Williston Northampton School
Thank you Williston for your dedication in providing an outstanding education both inside and outside the classroom!
Reach your goals!

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Williston Northampton Fund

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Williston Northampton School
19 Payson Avenue, Easthampton, MA 01027
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